It’s mating
season for the frogs in our garden pond. An audible spectacle going on around
the clock, and with a clear quack peak
between midnight and four o’clock in the morning. That is exactly when I want
to sleep my beauty sleep!

When I
built the pond, I came up with a smart idea. I connected the drainpipe to a
tube leading to the pond. This makes the pond abundantly filled every time it
rains with lots of clean clear water from the building’s roof. Brilliant!

But even
the sun has spots … Did not think of that the valve at the head end of the
bed, becomes an audio amplifier for drainpipe. While gentle summer rain gives a
soporific effect becomes frog’s choir not quite as enjoyable. Okay, I stand out
with nine of them, but the tenth gets on my nerves. The smart ass has found his
singing arena inside the tube and fills it with a muffled echoing QUACK – QUACK

nature is so incredibly annoying!