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Uncle Henry´s Universe.

About the blog

I have no heavy training... Barely Elementary School. Preferred the wilderness, it became my university, but I got muddy boots and experience instead of School knowledge so my English was therefore quite inadequate. This blog is a project to improve my skills in English language.

We all have our own universe, welcome to visit mine.

Day off.

I wonder Posted on Wed, September 18, 2013 18:59

It was a
really hard day with the chainsaw yesterday so I was tired and worn this
morning. I took a day off. What I did then? Took a nice, long walk in the
woods, of course …


I wonder Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 22:35

It’s mating
season for the frogs in our garden pond. An audible spectacle going on around
the clock, and with a clear quack peak
between midnight and four o’clock in the morning. That is exactly when I want
to sleep my beauty sleep!

When I
built the pond, I came up with a smart idea. I connected the drainpipe to a
tube leading to the pond. This makes the pond abundantly filled every time it
rains with lots of clean clear water from the building’s roof. Brilliant!

But even
the sun has spots … Did not think of that the valve at the head end of the
bed, becomes an audio amplifier for drainpipe. While gentle summer rain gives a
soporific effect becomes frog’s choir not quite as enjoyable. Okay, I stand out
with nine of them, but the tenth gets on my nerves. The smart ass has found his
singing arena inside the tube and fills it with a muffled echoing QUACK – QUACK

nature is so incredibly annoying!


I wonder Posted on Sun, May 05, 2013 18:22

sunshine, fresh breezes and 15 degrees, today arrived the spring for real. Wonderful
but at the same time, it is the beginning of everything that must be done. Both
here at the farm, with woodcutting and gardening, and at work, where almost 50
nature reserves waiting for care.

Chopping wood with an ax and put in the stack
is pure therapy. Hands and arms are working calm and methodically while nose
registering the spring all scents. Fresh birch wood, grass fires in the
distance and mouldering leaves from the compost. With your ears you hear the
song from new birds arrive, the neighbours complainants wood splitters and
severe started tractor.

Gosh! Everything is wonderful, sleep will I do
in the autumn, now I’m going to live! A lot! smiley


I wonder Posted on Mon, April 01, 2013 06:58

To honour
the day, I would like to offer something unique. During my years in the
wilderness, I have experienced the most part, but on only one occasion, I have
managed to capture a troll on photo! They are very shy and appear rarely in
daylight. The Scandinavian troll today is very rare and is considered acutely
threatened on the Red List.

Flowered exterior doors!

I wonder Posted on Wed, January 23, 2013 20:44

Hi folks!

Long time
since I last wrote, sorry, but it came a little in between. Some house
renovation, a little Christmas holiday, New Year’s weekend, a lot of lynx and
wolf tracking and more home improvement!

After we
repaired our leaking water we proceeded with the renovation of our little
cottage. We completed the second floor and got a cozy office, a small nature
library and a new video editing. Finally! Have lots of unedited pictures and
video from the last six years, now I just need some time off…

We’ve had
an unusually wet summer and a relatively wet autumn, 2012. There is still a lot
of moisture left in the buildings and our doors has swelled so much that they
not gone to close for a long time. When the cold weather arrived, it was even
worse. After a week that fluctuated between 25 and 30 degrees below zero, they
were completely covered by ice. Therefore, I suddenly had to deal with the
renovation of exterior doors. Now! In the middle of winter! That is why we have
flowery exterior doors, made of fabric, even though it is 25 degrees below

If you’re

from a cool (cold) Crofter.

My life as a mole!

I wonder Posted on Sat, November 10, 2012 13:34

The mole has not an easy life! It lives in a world that is dark, damp and generally uninspiring. The view is limited to non-existent. Moreover, it has always soil or sand in the mouth, in the hair, in the pockets or in the underwear. In short, everywhere where you don´t want such things should exist!

On Monday, we discovered that our water pump lived his own life and realized that there was a water leak on our property, about 2 meters into the ground, somewhere along a stretch of a few hundred meters. Wonderful! That is just what you want to know when a long winter is at the door, with snow, frost and many degrees below zero.

For a week we have dug ourselves down in all places where we suspect that the fault can be found. Dug, examined and shoveled again. Many pits it becomes…

Last night we finally got the reward. A few meters in under the barn concrete floor, we found a small fountain that would not be there! Now it´s fixed. Just shoveling back the last holes then everything is back to normal again, for us… but for the mole life goes on as before. Poor devil!


I wonder Posted on Sun, October 21, 2012 12:52

For those who are able to watch Swedish television, I would recall the short film “Beyond That Wasteland”, tonight at TV2, 19:50. (Just before Babel, one of Swedish television stunning cultural programs.)

Okay, maybe there´s a disqualification… we are from the same clan ;-), but I actually think Daniel produces damn good looking creations. Jenny is for me a fairly new acquaintance musically, but I really like her music. It´s rocking so even an old man starts to shake.

The film deals with a difficult and sensitive subject, it will be very exciting to see the results.

Det Stora Kalaset 2011, Nöjesfabriken, Karlstad.

Hug me!

I wonder Posted on Thu, October 18, 2012 18:59

Hey, come and pat me! Oh no…it´s not rabies. I have acidic stomach, it´s just Novalucol you now.

Come on now! Just want to have a little tenderness…

Damn it, come here or I spit on you!

Fucking shit, man! Should it be so hard to give some love!

I really need a huuug!


I wonder Posted on Sun, October 07, 2012 11:59

Tomorrow begins the annual moose hunt. Dear God, help the hunters to find the damn tree crusher that killed our Red Riding Hood! ( se previos post, more wolves…)How can an animal be so cruel? Not even a wolf had been so heartless; it had at the most eaten grandmother…

The upcoming Christmas will not be the same as before, I mean, yellow apple sauce on the ham! Christmas is red not yellow! One will feel like an Easter chicken. The world is truly a cruel place! smiley

Great Indian Summer!

I wonder Posted on Mon, September 03, 2012 23:01

First september sunbathing… And I turned red as a lobster. (me, who have been working outdoors, daily throughout the summer…)

Today I enjoyed sun-warmed cloudberry. (Which normally is more associated to late July.)

Hope we get a really nice autumn!

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