Today, at least in Sweden, it´s time to wish each other a happy ending! I always thought it felt strange in some way to wish all friends a happy ending …but we mean the old year of course, not life in general …

The Christmas weekend offered the first skiing of the season. Lovely in every way. One must take advantage of the few opportunities offered nowadays. It has been 6 plus degrees over the past 24 hours and the forecast for the near future looks anything but wintery.
It is with some trepidation that many of us are waiting for the next decade, what weather do we have to wait for … Now we really must do everything we can to reduce the damage that we have already caused our planet, so hold on, there will probably be a bumpy ride.

2019 has been good and 2020 will probably be even better! That’s at least a good target. Hope you all have a nice ending to the year, that you enjoy the memory of all the good things that happened during the past year and that you have lots of dreams about what you want to experience in the next. I am sending you a thought tonight when I light our candle lantern.
Happy New Year 2020!