Suddenly the snow came and said hello for a few days.

Grey, wet and difficult to access. Even with four-wheel drive, it becomes difficult to drive when there is 30 cm of snow, a few plus degrees and drizzle.
I have taken the opportunity to put up some information boards at new nature reserves before winter is here for real with frost on the ground. At the same time, I’m looking for tracks of our four-legged friends, it’s hard not to, even though I have work with the nature reserves that must be prioritized for another week or so.

Probably plus temperatures and rain will make most of the snow disappear again, at least in low-lying areas. It usually happens that way. Up here in the mountains it may stay, more snow and cold are on the way.

Suddenly some light finds its way through the cloud ceiling and the color scale changes from gray to greyish, greenish, and brownish… it’s beautiful.