Hi folks!

Long time
since I last wrote, sorry, but it came a little in between. Some house
renovation, a little Christmas holiday, New Year’s weekend, a lot of lynx and
wolf tracking and more home improvement!

After we
repaired our leaking water we proceeded with the renovation of our little
cottage. We completed the second floor and got a cozy office, a small nature
library and a new video editing. Finally! Have lots of unedited pictures and
video from the last six years, now I just need some time off…

We’ve had
an unusually wet summer and a relatively wet autumn, 2012. There is still a lot
of moisture left in the buildings and our doors has swelled so much that they
not gone to close for a long time. When the cold weather arrived, it was even
worse. After a week that fluctuated between 25 and 30 degrees below zero, they
were completely covered by ice. Therefore, I suddenly had to deal with the
renovation of exterior doors. Now! In the middle of winter! That is why we have
flowery exterior doors, made of fabric, even though it is 25 degrees below

If you’re

from a cool (cold) Crofter.